You’re fired! Rideau Lakes Township council terminates Integrity Commissioner

Photo credit: Google screen grab.
Posted on: September 30, 2024

The Township of Rideau Lakes will be ending its contract with Integrity Commissioner Bill Hunter. 

Council voted unanimously on Sept. 23 to issue a 90-day written notice on Oct. 8, formally terminating Hunter’s services.

The decision followed a closed session where reports from Hunter were tabled regarding investigations into complaints against Councillors Paula Banks, Jeff Banks, and Deputy Mayor Marcia Maxwell. These reports are set to be presented at the upcoming Oct. 7 council meeting.

A fourth report, conducted by former IC Tony Fleming, involved a complaint against Coun. Linda Carr. That report has been referred to the Ontario Ombudsman after council voted to seek a third-party review.

The motion to terminate Hunter’s contract was tabled by P. Banks and seconded by J. Banks. The motion directs township staff to issue a request for proposals (RFP) to secure a new Integrity Commissioner. The final approval of a replacement will be determined at a future council meeting.

Hunter, a retired lawyer who has acted as an Integrity Commissioner for multiple municipalities, lists his fees as $3,000 per day or $1,900 for a half-day.

When reached for comment, Hunter said it “would be inappropriate” to respond to questions.

Note: This story was updated on Oct. 1, at 11:40 a.m. as the IC Report on Coun. Linda Carr was conducted by former commissioner Tony Fleming.

Laurie Weir
Author: Laurie Weir

4 thoughts on “You’re fired! Rideau Lakes Township council terminates Integrity Commissioner

  1. Wendy Alford

    Laurie …just a heads up that the IC complaint on Carr was handled by Townships’s former IC Tony Fleming. I believe he was fired by this Council previously but don’t know the date.

  2. Lesley Ullyett

    Correction, the complaint against Councillor Carr was investigated and report produced by the previous IC, Tony Fleming, also fired as proposed by the Banks.

  3. Mary-Lou Quenneville

    Wait a minute. The table to fire the integrity commissioner is by the people who are being investigated? What?


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