Rideau Lakes launches new Community Profile and video

Welcome to Rideau Lakes.
Photo credit: Screen grab [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEjjjnKR-xw]
Posted on: May 3, 2024

The new Rideau Lakes Community Profile was adopted on  Tuesday, April 2 at the regular meeting of Council, and the accompanying video was  launched at the Rideau Lakes Business Awards Breakfast held on April 5, 2024.  

As part of the Township’s Investment Attraction Campaign, an updated Community Profile  was needed to provide recent statistics and detailed information about Rideau Lakes, for  those entrepreneurs looking to expand, start-up a new business or embark on their next  business adventure.  

Drawn from a subset of 2021 Census data (Source: Statistics Canada), features about the  population of Rideau Lakes and its demographics, such as age characteristics, family size,  housing type, income levels and employment by sector, are summarized in comparison to the County and Provincial statistics. Main industries, transportation, infrastructure,  communication forums, quality of life, recreational opportunities, annual events, education, and emergency services are also topics outlined in the final document.  

To illustrate the community profile, a short video was produced that highlights the villages,  waterways, ports of entry, population growth, average age, number of families, land area,  and population density. It also mentions heritage attributes, proximity to post secondary  education, skilled labour force, low crime rate, affordability, the rural setting, and highlights  the relaxed cottage culture for those interested in learning more about Rideau Lakes – having heard about the area through the Investment Attraction campaign. 

Rideau Lakes Community Profile Video. Video credit: Rideau Lakes Youtube [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEjjjnKR-xw]

Mayor Arie Hoogenboom remarked, “We can boast that Rideau Lakes is home to 37 lakes  and over 868 kilometres of shoreline. Access to waterways is a key element to the lifestyle  that is so important to our business community. The quality of life is a big advantage.”  

The Rideau Lakes Economic Development Committee spearheaded the project as part of a  greater effort to help grow the business community, with a focus on showcasing local  success stories and the collaborative environment among business owners. The project also  fulfils the Digital Content Strategy established in 2021, produced by T.D. Graham and  Associates, to build on the information available online through the municipal website, social  media channels and online communication tools.

For more information visit: https://www.rideaulakes.ca/town-hall/resources/community-profile

Hometown News
Author: Hometown News